Instytut Literaturoznawstwa i Językoznawstwa UJK Kielce - dr Sylwester Łodej

Academic Curriculum Vitae

English Corpus Linguistics Lab
Institute of Linguistics and Literary Studies
Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce

EDUCATION Ph.D.  Linguistics, University of Warsaw
M.A.   English Linguistics, University of Warsaw
English Medium Instruction Certificate, Oxford EMI Training, St Catherine's College, University of Oxford, UK
Postgraduate certificate course in Management of Customer Satisfaction, SGH University of Economics, Warsaw, Poland
Qualified Teacher Status for England and Wales: QTS no. 1575437 (Humanities & English), Department for Education, UK
2010-present Assistant Professor of Linguistics (full time)
Institute of Linguistics and Literary Studies
Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce
2021-present Head of English Corpus Linguistics Lab (UJK)
2000-2010 Research Assistant in English and Linguistics (full time)
Department of Modern Languages
Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce
Ph.D.   Linguistics (2010), University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
M.A.     English Linguistics (1999), University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland  
English historical and present-day morphology, semantics and pragmatics
Cognitive corpus linguistics
Synchronic and diachronic corpora of the English language
Prescriptive and descriptive attitudes towards language
Cultural motivation of language change, ethnolinguistics
Supervision of students’ research projects (undergraduate and graduate)
Reading and writing skills for diploma projects
Descriptive grammar of English
English pronunciation and phonetics (Standard British English)
History and varieties of the English language
General linguistics
The pragmatics of oaths and interjections in English parliamentary speeches
(postdoctoral degree project)
The cultural and linguistic picture of the world (departmental research project)
Prescriptive attitudes towards English usage in online language forums
Linguistic secularisation of American English
(in collaboration with John G. Newman, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley)
Founder and editor of an academic journal: Token: A Journal of English
; ISSN 2299-5900, e-ISSN 2392-2087; indexed in SCOPUS, EBSCO
(Academic Search Ultimate), ERIH PLUS, DOAJ, MLA Directory of Periodicals,
ANVUR, Index Copernicus, Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and
Publishers. More information available at
Founder and editor of an academic journal: InScriptum: A Journal of Language and
Literary Studies
; ISSN 2719-4418.
More information available at


Łodej, Sylwester (in preparation) Secularization and English lexical semantics.

Recent Peer-Reviewed Papers and Book Chapters

Łodej, M, & Łodej, S. (2023) "Addressing Social-Emotional Learning Needs in Polish Tertiary
Education: A Case Study of Reciprocal Peer Tutoring in Remote and Blended Learning
Environments". Roczniki Humanistyczne (Annals of Arts), 71(10), s. 79-101.

Łodej, M, & Łodej, S. (2021) Reciprocal peer tutoring in an emergency remote teaching course:
examining its impact on university students' social-emotional and cognitive learning needs. Studia
Filologiczne Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego, 34(2),

Łodej, Sylwester (2021) "Science and scientific disciplines in Time Magazine : a corpus study".
Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny 68 (3), 351-370.

Łodej, Sylwester (2019) "The semasiological scope of the attributive adjective bilingual and its
collocational patterns with special reference to the global varieties of English". In: Piotr Zbróg (ed.)
Język w Komunikowaniu i Dyskursie [Language in Communication and Discourse]. Kielce:
Muzeum Narodowe w Kielcach, 125-138.

Łodej, Sylwester (2019) "'To boldly go where no man has gone before': On the normative attitudes
towards the split infinitive in online forum discussions". In: Piotr Zbróg (ed.) System i Norma w
Perspektywie Lingwistycznej
[System and Norm in a Linguistic Perspective]. Kielce:
Muzeum Narodowe w Kielcach, 177-197.

Recent papers read at international conferences

Łodej, Sylwester (2024, April). Mediterranean echoes in America: Tracing Sicilian cultural concepts
through syntactic units  in contemporary American English. Paper presented at New Trends in
English Studies: Evolving Paradigms Università degli Studi di Enna “Kore”, Italy.

Łodej, Sylwester (2023, October). Social-emotional learning needs of Polish university students:
Application of reciprocal peer tutoring in remote and blended learning contexts. Paper presented at
Beyond and Within International Linguistics Conference, Catholic University in Lublin, Poland.

Łodej, Sylwester in collaboration with Łukasz Stolarski & Aleksandra Matysiak (2022) Descriptive
statistics of speeches given by the first British female MPs as evidence of their parliamentary
. 1st International Humanities – Society – Identity Congress, University of Warsaw, Poland.

Łodej, Sylwester  (2019, March). "The linguistic picture of bilingualism as evidenced in the distribution
of the attributive adjective bilingual in the global varieties of English". 2nd International
Conference on Bilingualism, University of Malta, Malta.


The Ismail Qemali University of Vlorë, Albania (2024, May)
Ionian University, Corfu, Greece (2024, April)
Institute of Education, University of Cordoba, Spain (2023, September).
Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republik (2023, April)
Institute of Education, University of Cordoba, Spain (2018, March).
University of Malta, Malta (2015, March).
Institute of Education, University of London, Great Britain (2014, March).
Brigham Young University at Provo, USA (2013, September).
Department of English Studies, KORE University of Enna, Italy (2013, May).
University of Texas at Brownsville, USA (2012, November).
Institute of Education, University of Cordoba, Spain (2012, June).
Institute of Education, University of London, Great Britain (2012, March).
State University of New York at Oswego, USA (2011, April).
Hyogo University of Teacher Education, Japan (2011, August /September).
Institute of Education, University of London, Great Britain (2010, April).
Institute of Education, University of Cordoba, Spain (2010, June).
Institute of Education, University of Cordoba, Spain (2009, December).



Jan Kochanowski University, Development Accelerator (2023), study visit grant at the University of
Cordoba in Spain enhancing teaching competencies.

Swietokrzyskie Office for Regional Development. Regional System for Supporting Gifted and Talented
Students, (2014). Project no. POKL.09.01.02-26-001/14 (427 417.92 PLN) – instructor in the English

European Union Progress grants: Study visits at US universities (2011, 2012, 2013)

Hyogo University of Teacher Education: Visiting Research Fellow (Japan, 2011)

UJK for International Cooperation: Conference grants (Austria 2009,  Hungary 2010, Germany and
Ukraine 2011,  France and Italy 2013)

International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language: Conference grants
(Great Britain 2009 and 2010)

European Presidency conference (Great Britain, 2005)


Łodej, Sylwester (2024, January). “Language corpora in cultural linguistics: An analytical study of
American society”. Talk given at the doctoral seminar in education studies, Akademia Pedagogiki
Specjalnej [The Maria Grzegorzewska University], Warsaw, Poland.

Łodej, Sylwester (2023, September) “Corpus frequencies for English lessons: material design”.
Talk given in the Department of Education, Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Programme, University
of Cordoba, Spain.

Łodej, Sylwester (2023, May) “Application of a Webcorp analysis of major US newspapers for
etymological and dialectal studies”. Talk given in the Department of English and American Studies,
Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.


University Senate (2020-present)
Member of the Senate Committee for Science and Publications (2020-present)
Chair of the Senate Voting Committee (2020-present)
Institute Science Council Member (2020-present)
Member of the Council of the Faculty of Humanities (2011-present)

Zaliczenia/egzaminy/konsultacje: dr Sylwester Łodej

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